A Mother’s Special Letter

In the tapestry of life, one thread stands out in its strength, resilience, and boundless love: and that is motherhood. Mothers, you are the architects of humanity, shaping the future generation with your unwavering dedication and nurturing spirit. Beyond biological ties, your essence encapsulates a profound sense of responsibility, compassion, and sacrifice. And you are more than able. You are stronger than you know.

Yes, you could be so vulnerable, but you are strong. From your nurturing embrace emerge leaders, scientists, visionaries, clergy, reformers, presidents, and beyond. Though you falter at times, you persevere; you weep, you sing, you sigh, yet nothing deters you from enriching the world around you.

Your significant role as a mother transcends mere biological functions. From the moment of conception, where you become a custodian of life, nurturing a tiny being within your womb through the journey of nine months of pregnancy is not merely a physical ordeal but a profound emotional and spiritual experience. Your true essence of motherhood unfurls like a blossoming flower once your child is born.

From the birth of your child, you become the first teacher, imparting lessons of love, kindness, and empathy. Through your gentle touch and soothing words, you instill a sense of security and belonging in your child’s heart. Every lullaby sung, every story told, becomes a building block in the foundation of your child’s character. Mother, you are a miracle. No wonder you are valuable in the sight of the Lord.

Beyond the confines of your home, you play a pivotal role in shaping society at large. You are made to be the silent architects of communities, fostering future leaders, innovators, and change-makers. Through your unconditional love and tireless efforts, you can infuse the world with hope, compassion, and understanding. You are great, mother.

Despite the myriad of challenges and responsibilities, sleepless nights to endless worries, shouldering a burden that is both immense and sacred, you could juggle multiple roles with grace and poise, often sacrificing your own needs for the sake of your children. So, who is weak here? Not you, mother.

Dear mother, the system of the world is fighting so hard to snatch your role of motherhood from you by controlling the minds of your children and filling their hearts with lies. The world wants to be an authority in the life of those innocent youth and children of this generation. The world knows that whoever controls the mind of the children controls the future generation. Would you allow this? Don’t shy away! You are a mother for a reason, and you must never let those responsibilities slip away from you. You can do this. Bring God in. Be in partnership with Christ! Little is much when God is in it. And be available for your children. Money, career, power, etc are not everything. Invest in the life of your children and never leave God out of it.

Absolutely, holding onto faith and embracing the tasks ahead with determination is key. Letting the challenges of the world diminish the inherent power and authority bestowed upon us by God is something we must guard against. By staying grounded in faith and embracing our strengths, we can shape the world for the better, fulfilling our purpose with conviction and resilience.

Reflect on your identity through scripture and stand strong.

“Strength and honor are her clothing, and she shall rejoice in time to come. 26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. 27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. 28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. 29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all” Proverb 31:25-29 (KJV)

Women, remember that the importance of mothers extends far beyond the nurturing of biological offspring. Many women take on the role of motherhood in various forms, whether through adoption, fostering, or mentorship. Their love knows no bounds, embracing all who seek comfort, guidance, and support.

In essence, motherhood is a divine calling, a sacred bond that transcends time and space. It is a journey marked by love, sacrifice, and unwavering devotion. Mother’s tireless efforts and unwavering devotion enrich our lives in countless ways, shaping the present and future of society in profound and meaningful ways.

 As we celebrate mothers around the world, let us recognize the profound impact they have on our lives and society as a whole. Let us cherish and celebrate the mothers in our lives, for they are the pillars of strength upon which the foundation of our world rests.

Mothers, with God’s wisdom and guidance, you can achieve anything. Embrace your divinely assigned responsibilities and step into your role as a wise builder and a blessed mother.

If He Did it Before, He Can Do it Again

During the first day of the last week of the month, the preacher’s sermon emphasized the importance of reflecting on God’s faithfulness.

In the previous year, our hearts overflowed with petitions to God. Now, those requests seem distant, as many have been fulfilled, even those we hadn’t fully recollected. What we lack now may still be a response in disguise. Remembering God’s past faithfulness reassures us that He can act again this year. Our responsibility is to trust Him and patiently await His timing – Psalm 40:1.

Derek Kidner wrote as related by the preacher: “The past is full of God’s wondrous deeds. The future is full of God’s plans.”

Many, O Lord my God, are Your wonderful works which You have done; And Your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to You in order; If I would declare and speak of them, They are more than can be numbered – Psalm 40:5

God is faithful!

Re: Gala Banquet & Silent Auction – Transformation Power Through Christ

Sometimes, you ponder whether sharing the message of Christ with certain individuals is worthwhile, uncertain of its effectiveness.

However, during the Gala banquet and silent auction last night at Ellerslie Road Baptist Church, hearing powerful testimonies of transformed lives was profoundly impactful and uplifting.

Witnessing broken people who came across the gospel and silently striving for redemption and secretly relying on God in their struggles, even praying for their loved ones stuck in similar situations, was deeply touching and encouraging.

It’s a reminder that we may never fully understand God’s ways and what He is working on, as humans. He owns every life and will not cast away those who come to Him for help. So, we must continue sowing seeds of love and hope through the gospel, entrusting the growth and harvest to God.

A heartfelt thank you to faith-based Teen Challenge Canada for their dedicated efforts. Gratitude also extends to the Hathaway family, who facilitated my attendance. We grow by learning from others.

What a blessed conclusion to the week.

Whose Report Do You Believe?

Cindy, adopted at birth, always sensed an unshakable feeling of not belonging, despite the love and care of her adoptive parents. Growing up without knowledge of her biological roots, she longed to discover her appearance and heritage. These sentiments lingered into adulthood, even through marriage and motherhood. The persistent question of identity haunted her, feeling akin to a stray dog briefly entering a farmyard and then disappearing.

Inner Battle

“She grew up not knowing her biological roots.  She longed to know if she looked like someone.  She always felt she shouldn’t be here, that she was an accident, that she didn’t belong”. 

The search

Her quest for her biological family commenced, leading her to her successful businessman biological father, who callously denied any knowledge of her. Undeterred, she reached out to her biological mother, who confirmed the relationship but deemed it an accident, expressing no desire for a connection and bidding farewell. “Yes, you are my daughter, said the woman. But it was an accident, it should not have happened”.

Dealing with Rejection

Sinking? Reach out to God

Confronting the deep sense of rejection, Cindy turned to God, seeking guidance on handling the overwhelming emotions and thoughts. In a divine revelation, God presented a balance scale, weighing the lies implanted in her before birth against His truth and promises:

Where does the weight tend?

God’s Truth

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you – Jeremiah 1:4. Do not fear, for I have redeemed you – Isaiah 43:1. I know the plans that I have for you – Jeremiah 29:11. For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb – Psalm 31:15. My times are in your hands.

The Enemy’s Lies

You are a mistake. You should not be here. You don’t belong. You are an accident. You have no real family name. Abandon not wanted. You are a burden, a disappointment…an intrusion.

The underlying question for us all is: What beliefs govern our lives? Have we ever wondered which belief truly governs our life? It’s a question worth pondering. Understanding the belief that shapes our thoughts and actions and knowing which to permit a stay and which to evict is crucial to living a victorious life.

So, God posed a crucial question to her: where do you stand? Do you believe in the enemy’s lies or embrace God’s truth? Cindy chose the Word of God, and the doubts that plagued her for years vanished, along with the profound sense of abandonment.

It is greatly rewarding to stay with God who spoke into our existence. To find meaning, direction, and fulfillment in life, we must reject every silent killer voice and embrace God’s spoken truths.

As of this moment, God still cares about our souls. And for His plan and purpose to come to pass in our lives, we must be on the same page with Him, believing His faithfulness above all

The Rapture Experience

Thanks, Ashley, for inspiring me to write this experience.

The years 2016 and 2017 were challenging years for both my family and I. We went through a situation that almost drenched our faith, especially me. In December of 2017, my family decided to fly to the State for a National Retreat (a yearly Christian program that the church organizes globally). We desperately needed some time with God as a family. We needed time to heal and the strength to move on. We planned to stay back in my sister-in-law’s place after the retreat for a holiday.

During the retreat, we lodged in a hotel that allowed us to focus on God throughout those 5-day programs (thanks to our pastors over there). The first 2 days of that retreat could be referred to as a period of weeping and crying. Every congressional song penetrated my soul and spirit like an arrow and launched me into ceaseless tears.

The remaining part of the program was a period of healing, renewal, and revival. Before this period, my spirit had suffered deep dryness and was almost dying of spiritual malnourishment. During the programs, it was like my thirsty heart was thrown into a pool of refreshing water, swimming like a fish in the ocean of hope and grace. I got so many insights from the words of God that I penned down accordingly. The ministers, the teachers, the choir presentations, etc., were fantastic. You could tell that they were operating under the power of prayers. There was no doubt the presence of God was in the place.

I started the retreat with tears and ended with rejoicing. God is forever faithful. It was like that retreat should not end. Anyway, we must go back home to face the world again. We returned to my sister-in-law’s place in Rhode Island.

The next day, after my family had gone to bed at night, l decided to stay back and go over my notes. I pulled out my Bible, my pen, and my notebook. As I started going over my jottings, I somehow dozed off. The next thing l saw was me in a place amidst some people. We were all busy doing one thing or the other. Suddenly, something happened, and the next thing was that people started flying in the air and disappearing. Immediately, l knew it was rapture taking place.

If there was any time l was ever sure of making it to heaven, it was that period. I started preparing myself for my turn. I began to feel something happening in my body… I was in that experience when I suddenly found myself still sitting on the bed with my notebook and my pen in my hands.

The fear mixed with confusion gripped my soul tightly and won’t let go for a moment. I quickly turned around to check my husband. Thank God he was there sleeping, like a baby. I climbed down the bed and went to check my children. They were all still there deep in sleep. I just needed confirmations that the rapture had not happened and I wasn’t left behind. My heart could not still stop pacing within me.

I reached out to my phone and started sending out random messages to those l knew were really children of God. I wasn’t getting instant response as it was already late, and there was a time difference issue, too. Eventually, I got some responses and finally got my relief; rapture had not taken place. It was too tormenting that night but relieving in the long run.

Bible is an ancient book that contains a lot of prophecies. Hundreds of those Biblical prophecies had come to pass, while some are still pending. Among other prophecies yet to be fulfilled is the prophecy about the rapture.

What is Rapture?

Rapture comes from the Latin word ‘rapio’ meaning ‘caught up’ or ‘carried off’. Simply put, it is catching up or carrying off of the believers in Christ; the wise virgins who have given their life to Christ. They live above sins and are diligently waiting for the rapture which could happen any moment.

‘For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.’

1Thessalonians 4: 16-18

The enemy is also aware of the rapture and would do anything possible to hinder any Christian from making it. Temptation, trial, tribulations, challenges, persecutions are out there to challenge believers waiting for the rapture. The stain of sins would disqualify any believer who yielded himself or herself to it. The Bible says without holiness no one shall see the Lord (Hebrew 12:14).

The temptation of life would post itself strategically to trap any believers in their careless moment. False prophets, the business-minded, celebrity pastors would be there to misdirect the ignorants to suit their purposes. Carnality and offenses might creep into the congregation of the people of God to drain grace out of the life of any vulnerable believers. These are the reasons believers can not afford to sleep off at this late hour but to watch and pray.

Regardless of the situations out there, we have confidence in God’s words that He who has begun a good work of salvation in us will bring it to completion. God’s grace is fully available to carry us through as His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

If you are believers, you can not go back now to those things which you have left behind. For all the bridges you burned, don’t try to find them; that songwriter warned in his song titled: ‘Don’t turn around to the things you left behind’. You must set your face like a flint and walk right unto the promised land. Don’t turn around to the things you left behind.

If you are still undecided about Christ, it is getting dangerous now. Jesus Christ is loving and patient. He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. His hands are wide open, waiting for you to jump in so He could catch you and embrace you in love. But He will not wait forever. There is no repentance after death.

Who is sufficient unto all these? Thank God, our sufficiency is of God. He will hold our hands and lead us on. My honest prayer is that God in His mercy will have mercy on every one of us and grant us daily grace that diligently awaits Christ coming in rapture.